The Companies that are Doing it Right: Taco Bell and Hostess

Throughout this semester I have learned more about digital marketing than I ever even knew exist. I have learned to analyze content for more than the pretty pictures and animated images. To look beyond the number of likes/shares a post gets and better interpret the effectiveness of content based on things like consumer interaction and multi-media presence. Digital Marketing is such an integral part of every firm's operations and needs to be strategically carried out to ensure success. This week I have researched and found the top 2 companies I feel have had very successful digital campaigns, and here is why:

1. Taco Bell's Beefy Crunch Burrito

It's around 11 PM and you're just now leaving the library and in faint need of some food. Your first thought (obviously) is to drive down the street to the 24 hr Taco Bell and order the limited-time only Beefy Crunch Burrito. You, like many other Taco Bell fanatics, know it is crucial to take advantage of this offer while it lasts - and Taco Bell knows that too. When they recently brought the item back to the menu, they looked for their most Beefy Crunch Burrito -obsessed fans to take their publicity to the next level. First, they went to Snapchat to become one of the first large brands to create a limited-time announcement for this limited-time product. Next, the went to Twitter to ask just how far fans have been willing to go to prove their burrito obsession. Many responded, but one lucky fan caught their attention by actually tattooing the burrito on their arm. Taco Bell then used this image to further propel their campaign throughout the internet. Snapchat + Twitter + Media = A+.

2. Hostess: Prepare Your CakeFace

It had been 8-months since Hostess was last seen on the market, and they were in desperate need of a comeback. It was just 3 weeks before Twinkies and CupCakes were to re-appear on shelves, and Hostess had an ingenious plan to ensure their products' success. An initial hype was created by asking fans across the country to open their mouths and contort their faces to "get ready" for these new treats. Fans then would post a picture of their face with the #cakeface hashtag on various social media outlets like Instagram and Twitter. Hostess's aggregator tool continued to collect all of these consumer-generated images on In addition, street teams were used in numerous big cities to further fuel the campaign by offering things from #cakeface tee-shirts to buttons to even "mouth yoga". Hostess knew that rather than receive a message, their consumers wanted to be apart of the message... and they were right. Year after year, Twinkies sales increased by 185% and CupCakes by 53%. I think those numbers speak for themselves!



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